Fancy Jello & Sherbet Dessert – Uncle George & Aunt Mary

2 large pkgs.  of  jello – dissolved –  hot water only  

1 or 2 pkgs of 8 oz. Cream Cheese

1/2 gallon of sherbet (that matches jello flavor)

4 cans of mandarin oranges – drained

Nuts if desired.

Dissolve jello (in HOT WATER ONLY).

With blender, blend (room temperature) cream cheese with hot jello.

In a large bowl, chop up sherbet into small chunks.

Pour jello / cream cheese mixture over ice cream and blend till smooth.

Refrigerate till mixture begins to jell,  add fruit and nuts.  Refrigerate again.


Match the jello with the sherbet and the fruit.

Raspberry jello, raspberry sherbet – raspberries

Orange jello with orange sherbet – mandarin, oranges

Lime jello, lime sherbet – pineapple


Lisa’s successful experiment.  After visiting my mom, to get her secrets to making this recipe, I made a version of my own and tested it out a few more ideas. Would regular ice cream and coconut milk work?

My ingredients:bryers vanilla

2 lg. pkgs. lime jellojello cream cheese coconut milk

2 pkgs. cream cheese

1 can coconut milk

3 heaping tablespoons coconut oil

1 qt. vanilla ice cream

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this version set up great. Vanilla ice cream instead of sherbet didn’t have the amount of zesty flavor that I’ve come to expect. I also added 4-6 drops each of Lemon & Lime food-grade essential oils, but it still needed something more. The addition of the fruit made all the difference.

Further musings: Could you go into chocolate realms with this?  Chocolate or coffee flavored ice cream and unflavored gelatin?


This recipe entered came to the family through Aunt Mary – wife to Uncle George. George was a younger brother to my Grandfather, Harry.


Ray’s (second son, child #3) Remembrance:
The picture of Uncle George in the grass skirt is from Hawaii.  I think he and Dad were there just before the atom bomb was dropped that ended the war.  They were part of the Military group that was preparing for the invasion of Japan.

uncle george 1Young Uncle George in Wisconsin probably in the 1930’s


uncle george 2

george mary

uncle georgeuncle george aunt mary