Kiwifruit Pie – Grandma’s

1 – pkg (8oz. cream cheese)
1/3 cups sugar
2 tblsp. orange juice
2 tblsp. heavy cream
Mix the above

3 cups kiwifruit  – cut into thin slices
Betty’s notes: I layered this, a little difficult, but works out okay.  Put in refrig. to cool.

Glaze – add green coloring
3 cups sliced kiwis –  mashed
2 tblsp. cornstarch in a little cold water
1 cup sugar
Mash kiwis, put in kettle to heat, will make own juice, after cooked a little, add sugar, cook a little more, add cornstarch, mix quickly, will thicken, cool, put over pie. cool
Serve with whipped cream.

*recipe is for a large, deep dish pie shell


 picking kiwisgrandpa kiwis
kiwi sale
 Harry & Betty Wrysinski were one of the first kiwi farmers in California.

Award Winning Apple Pie – Grandma’s

6-8 apples (3 large tart apples – Granny Smith)
Measure amount needed in glass pie pan, cutting enough to fill it to heaping.

1 cup sugar (up to 1 cup sugar for each large pie, 3/4 cup sugar for a small pie)
1/8 tsp. nutmeg – to ~ 1/4 tsp nutmeg for 2 small pies – depending on how strong you want that flavor
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. lemon juice (or vinegar) per pie

Cornstarch (about 2 tblsp. per pie)

Put apples in bowl and mix with all ingredients.

When well mixed, scrape all apples and juice into prepared bottom crust(s).

Add 5 pats of butter on top of apples for each pie (evenly spaced).

Lightly wet edges of bottom crust.
Carefully place top crust. Press edges together.
Trim around pie pan leaving about an inch on the outer edge.
Use fingers to make pretty, fluted edges.
Use a knife to make decorative cuts in top crust.
This is also important
for letting air out while baking.
Bake 10 minutes at 450F and 50 minutes at 350F

**see recipe for Tender Flaky Pie Crust


Lisa’s (firstIMG_0609 Grandchild):grandma & lisa
During the summers, my younger brother and I spent time with our father in another state. One day when I was in the kitchen helping Grandma make apple pies, I told her that I thought that her pie was the BEST and that she should enter one in the fair. While we were gone that summer, she did.

I was so excited to get her letter telling me that she had entered the contest and won first place! Once we returned home, she gave me her blue ribbon and the $4 prize money.

In her own way, she helped us maintain a feeling of connection to home….and from then on, she had bragging rights!Betty_1st_prize_apple_pie_at_the_fair_June_16_1977 web

Jeanette (3rd Daughter, child #4):
Apple pies were, of course, for special occasions, so there was always excitement associated with them – usually that was Thanksgiving and Christmas. If we ever had apple pies outside of those holidays, it would be because Dad happened into a free lug of apples from a friend, like the Lausten’s from Maxwell, who had a cabin in the Coast Range with a very old apple orchard nearby. The pies themselves made the occasion special.