Cough Syrup – Grandpa’s Recipe

Grandpas Cough Syrup  ww2

1/3 cup whiskey
2/3 cups glycerine
lemon juice & honey to taste
*Purchasing glycerine – verify that the glycerine is “food grade”
The brand in the image at the left says that it is for skin and hair.
The fine print lists it as food grade.


Second Cough Syrup Recipe

Cough Remedy  by Dr. Jarvis (Vermont Folk Medicine)

Boil 1 lemon for 10 minutes, to soften the lemon and the rind.  Cut lemon in two and extract juice w/lemon squeezer.  Put juice in glass & add 2 tablespoons of glycerine.  Stir glycerine & lemon juice well, then fill glass w/honey.

Take 1 teaspoonfull (stir before taking) whenever needed to relieve cough spells.  H.W.

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