Jujube, Lemon, and Cinnamon Tea

3 Jujube fruits cut into chunks

1 Cinnamon stick

4 Cardamom pods

Lemon Zest

Ginger – dried or fresh

½ tsp. Black Strap Molasses \ sweetener if desired.

Put all ingredients in a large cup. Fill the cup with hot water. Let steep. Drink when cooled to taste.

How to Cook with Jujubes | https://www.wikihow.com/Cook-with-Jujubes

Mug: EarthGiftsCreations.etsy.com

For a complete list of plant research resources, visit the video YouTube page and view the information provided in the video description.

Cranberry Clove Sauce

Make your next meal pop with this mildly sweet, tangy super food sauce.

2 cups fresh cranberries

juice & zest from two lemons

1/2 to 2/3rds cup maple syrup

Combine all in pot; cook on medium (t0 low) heat. Once it reaches a boil, turn off heat. Carefully mash berries with a potato masher (berries will pop ….be careful of hot, flying cranberry juice)

Stir in 1/8 – 1/2 tsp. ground cloves OR 3 drops food-grade Clove Oil – to taste

cooking cranberries

Health benefits of cranberries

Antioxidents & Vitamin C

Healthier Teeth & Lowering Cholesterol

Reducing Inflammation

Lemon Meringue Pie – Grandma’s

1 lemon – juice and grated rind; reserve 1 tsp. juiceswimming

1 cup + 2 Tblsp. sugar
4-1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 Tblsp. butter
3 eggs, separated
1-1/2 cups boiling water
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
Additional 4 Tblsp. sugar
Combine lemon juice and rind, sugar, cornstarch and butter with egg yolks in a saucepan or double-boiler and use low heat.
Slowly add boiling water, stirring constantly so as not to curdle egg. When thick and boiling, set aside to cool.
Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 4 Tblsp. sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla if desired.
Put filling into prepared crust. Top with meringue. Bake at 350F until meringue is lightly browned.

Betty’s note;
I do not have a double boiler so this is my recipe.
combine 3 Tbls. cornstarch with 1cup, plus 2 tbls sugar in top of double boiler.  Add grated lemon rind of 1 lemon & 4 tbls lemon juice, 1 tbls butter & 3 eggs yokes, beaten.  Mix well then add 1 1/2 cups boiling water very slowly.
I do this in a sauce pan, putting pan of mixed ingredients over flame while adding boiling water (slowly) & stirring constantly.  If it should get lumpy, beat with mixer while still not.
3 egg whites
1/8 teas. cream of tartar (optional)
4 teasp. sugar
Beat till stiff peaks, add teasp. lemon juice or vanilla, put on pie, bake @ 350 till brown.

Betty Ken and Bud early daysbetty ken

Blueberry, Lemon & Banana Pancakes

Dry Ingredients:pancake

Wheatgerm 10%
Flax Meal 10%
Oat Flour 30%
Red Mill unbleached white flour 50%
1 tsp. baking powder

Wet Ingredients:

2 eggs
juice from 1/2 lemon + zest
about 3/4 cup almond milk (for desired consistency)
pinch of grated Dubliner Cheese
1 mashed banana
1/2 cup blueberries

Lemony Rice

Basic Rice Recipe:lemony rice

1 cup rice

2 cups water

Boil water, add rice, bring to boil again.

Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or

until you see small holes formed on the surface of the rice –

(or until a spoon stands up).

To make Lemony Rice

For every cup of rice, use 1 cup of fresh lemon juice.

Use chicken stock to make up the rest of the liquid.

Add lemon zest on top for a little more pizzaz.

Medicinal Honey

Medicinal honey is powdered herbs combined with honey.

One can eat it by the teaspoonful or mix a teaspoon of herbal honey with a cup of warm water to make a tea.
double boiler
First – use a double boiler to gradually heat the honey so that it is easier to work with. Use a low to medium heat to make sure that you don’t boil it. When the honey has reached a thin consistency, add the herbs. Let it return to room temperature. The honey / herbal mixture will last up to a year. (It does not need to be refrigerated).

Full Tummy Relief Honey
1/2 tsp. ground cloves (antioxidant, anti-septic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, rubefacient (warming and soothing), carminative and anti-flatulent properties)
1 tsp. powdered ginger (digestive aid)
2 tblsp. powdered citrus peel (A compound found in the peels of citrus fruit has the potential to lower cholesterol)
1 tblsp dandelion root (liver and gastrointestinal health)
1/2 tsp. powdered star anise (antifungal and antibacterial – it has been used to relieve coughs – relieves gas and colic)
1 cup honey (anti-bacterial – used to treat coughs & allergies and topically on wounds)

dry powdered ingredientsCirculation Honey
1 tsp. powdered juniper berry (cleanse the kidneys urinary tract)
1 tsp. powdered ginger (digestive aid)
1 tblsp. powdered turmeric (liver detoxifier, anti-inflammatory, wound healing & possible aid in certain types of cancer healing)
1/2 tsp. powdered cardamom (good smelling breath, heart an insulin health)
2 cups honey (anti-bacterial – used to treat coughs & allergies and topically on wounds)
According to Wikipedia:

Scientists have revealed that honey has powerful anti-bacterial properties on at least sixty species of bacteria, and unlike antibiotics, which are often useless against certain types of bacteria, honey is non-toxic and has strong effects.[6]

The composition of honey includes sugars such as glucose and fructose and also minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. Depending on the quality of the nectar and pollen, the vitamins contained in honey are B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3.[12]

When honey is used topically, as, for example, a wound dressing, hydrogen peroxide is produced by dilution of the honey with body fluids. As a result, hydrogen peroxide is released slowly and acts as an antiseptic.

Honey is widely used in cough medicines and to treat allergies.

Making the Most of Produce – Oranges, Lemons & Limes

Use these simple techniques to improve getting every use possible out of fresh produce.

 Oranges & Lemons

When oranges and lemons are in season and abundant, 

peel them and set the peelings out to dry

store in a cool open place and check frequently to make sure they have plenty of air circulation (and are not growing mold!)

once peeling are dry, tear them into quarter or dime sized pieces and store them in a glass jar

use them to make tea, grate into dishes, or put into a coffee grinder to make powder

juice the insides and freeze the juice in ice cube molds

****I froze the lemon pulp that was the waste product from the juicer… thinking it would make a great cleaning product – but have yet to figure out how to get it from point A to point B.  Any ideas?



Zest them  – set the zest out to dry

Place dried zest in clean baby food jars for storage

Freeze the juice in ice cube molds.